“It will do you no harm to find yourself ridiculous.
Resign yourself to be the fool you are…
…We must always take risks. That is our destiny…”
― T.S. Eliot


What would life be without risk? Whether it be in a leap of thought, doing something labeled ‘dangerous’ for the first time, trusting a stranger or sometimes even trusting a friend, trusting our selves, risk becomes part of life. Everytime we choose to love or cry in front of another or even occasionally leave our house (or climb up on a chair or a ladder) we take a risk.
What is it that we risk exactly? Usually when the risk is physical, it results in some kind of fall or injury, When it us an emotional risk we chance damaging some concept of ourselves that we once had. It almost always results in the benefit of greater self-knowledge but usually that is gained only after some type of fall as well.  We need these falls at times to understand ourselves better and to be able to see through our delusions. That’s why we put them in our way. If we don’t take risks to better learn who we are than we lose the lesson
Blessings, G


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Cosmic Womb 2

Cosmic Womb by G A Rosenberg


Energy ChamberEnergy Chamber by G A Rosenberg