Posts tagged ‘relationship’

Better Off Than We Started – A Cheesy Country Type Song


“Be the one who nurtures and builds. Be the one who has an understanding and forgiving heart. Be the one who looks for the best in people. Leave people better than you found them.”
— Marvin J. Ashton


I came into the town a loner
looking for questions to answers I lost
Messed up by past misgivings
just like a salad just needing a toss
I found you, we both at our bottom
you were so sweet in need of a way
we climbed up the rung together
It was never in my plans to stay


we grew our lives like a flower
we watered and weeded and gave them good care
struggling with both our demons
it seemed to be one more thing that we shared
you brought out the best in me
you dealt with the rest of me
I held you through the night
I thought you were awesome
and loved when you blossomed
making up after each fight


When it was time for the parting
we did it with sorrow but without any hate.
We both felt the time had come
we were happy to leave the methods to fate
I found a job in the next state
your family called they needed you there
The morning we said our goodbyes
we were grateful for all of the magic we shared.


We brought out the best in each other
A best that we never remembered to see
Both better off than we started
We now knew what it meant to be free.
I know that we’ll both find a new love
someone with whom our spirits will soar
I sent her off with my blessings.
Each of us now will find a new door.
— G A Rosenberg


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SitriSitri by G A Rosenberg


Spirits Moving Over and Through the WatersSpirits Moving Over the Water by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – October 26 2012

“From now on I hope always to stay alert, to educate myself as best I can. But lacking this, in Future I will relaxedly turn back to my secret mind to see what it has observed when I thought I was sitting this one out. We never sit anything out.

We are cups, constantly and quietly being filled. The trick is, knowing how to tip ourselves over and let the beautiful stuff out. ”
― Ray Bradbury


How many times I’ve played my life as if it was a hand of solitaire, I dealt the cards out knowing full well how they would come out and then played it just as I knew it was. I believe most of us do this in relationships that we get into because we need the lesson which I suppose accounts for almost every relationship in which we find ourselves. It’s almost a cliche to say that the end is written in the beginning yet there it is…the alchemy that draws us into each other’s orbit decides how we will mix, partake of each other’s qualities and then either blend or separate.
As I’ve said before, we exist in relationship not only with people but with things, situations and events as well and like those, we know if we are being true to ourselves that most are transitory and the way we leave may be found in its beginning. Not that I believe its all predestined. Many choose to stay in relationships or in situations well past their sell by date. This may be because of happiness but more often it is done by our sheer stubbornness to make things work. This can lead to ongoing frustration or sometimes astonishing wonderful breakthroughs both for ourselves and the ones we journey with. After all are we not constantly changing? If that is so, if I am a different person than the one who entered the relationship, is the end still inevitable? Perhaps this is the change that involves letting the ‘beautiful stuff’ out.
Blessings, G


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Remembering by G A Rosenberg


Staring at the Ceiling by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – October 12 2012

“Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson


Grateful for both the good and the bad times. Both have their lessons to teach. Every relationship we are in will have both kinds of lessons as a new chemical interpersonal  alchemy happens. Two or more egos and spirits combining , always some rough areas and that’s where we learn the most.
What is each moment but a new relationship.  I suppose that is as good a definition of the word mindful as that I’ve ever heard. One’s relationship with each instance, each ever present now, feeling gratitude for each lesson learned and each challenge met.
Blessings, G


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What Else Is There to Teach Him? by G A Rosenberg


Aquamarine by G A Rosenberg